
Motion North Ltd, company number ‘15978212’, the user of these terms and conditions.


An individual that reaches an Agreement with Organization, a Visitor of an Event and/or a user of a Website of Motion North Ltd.


Any kind of Event organised by Motion North Ltd including the actual site of the Event as well as all the grounds, areas, fields, etc around it that comprise the complex within which the Event takes place.


The agreement reached between Motion North Ltd and Customer, including but not limited to use of the Website including the on-demand platform, and/or the admission to and stay at the Event(s).


1.1 Persons who wish to attend Event may be asked, and are then required, to show a valid photo ID in response to checks on minimum age limit (art. 1.8) and/or personalization of Tickets (art. 6.11).

1.2 Organization can limit the number of Tickets Customer can buy.

1.3 A Ticket is supplied once and gives access to one person.

1.4 Tickets are not accepted for return.

1.5 From the moment that the Ticket is supplied to Customer, Customer carries the risk and must account for loss, theft, damage or misuse of the Ticket.

1.6 Access to the Event is only obtained by showing a valid Ticket, which may be scanned. A Customer who does not possess a valid Ticket is denied access to the Event or is to be removed from the Event.

1.7 A Ticket that is not being recognized by the access control system as such and/or yields an incorrect code is invalid and leads to expiration of validity of the Ticket, without right to a refund of the purchase price. Additionally, if a Ticket is likely fake, the Organization can refuse or deny the holder of this Ticket access to Event. Customer or the holder is not entitled to claim any compensation for damage or loss that this may cause them.

1.8 Access is given only to the first holder of the Ticket which is scanned at the entrance to Event. Organization assumes that the Ticket belongs to the holder. Organization is not obliged to carry out any further checks to verify if the Ticket is valid or belongs to the holder.

1.9 Customer is only allowed in places the Ticket expressly entitles them to. Instructions on this subject by security staff, police, employees of Organization and/or other competent authorities must always be followed immediately.

1.10 Every Ticket needs to be personalized to ensure entrance at the Event. If the name on the Ticket does not match the name on the Customer identification documents, the Organization may deny the Customer entry to the Event. Personalization is used to fight black-market sales, assist in emergency cases and to inform Customers about the Event and related cases.

1.11 Organization grants Customer an option to change the name on the Ticket against a fee of 10% (ten percent) of the Ticket prize.

1.12 If Customer purchases an electronic version of a Ticket for an Event, the payment for this product may be handled by ‘Stripe’ (www.stripe.com) enabled by Organization. Every Agreement regarding the purchase and sale of Tickets is exclusively concluded between Organization and Customer. Stripe are not a party to this sales transaction. General terms and conditions of Stripe may be applicable. They can be found on the mentioned websites. On these websites you can also find information on their privacy policy.



2.1 It is prohibited without the prior written consent of Organization to directly or indirectly (re)sell Tickets for Events or to use them for commercial purposes, including promotion and/or advertising of items, as a prize in competitions or as part of packages (such as packages offered by bus companies, (bus) tour operators, travel agencies and ticketing bureaus), unless it concerns an individual transaction in the private sphere.

2.2 Organization can enable a recognised (online) sales platform (e.g. an extra official sales channel) for Tickets to an Event. Customer is not allowed to buy or (re)sell Tickets anywhere other than via such an official sales channel unless it is an individual transaction in the private sphere.

2.3 Organization can neither be held responsible for damage, nor can damage be claimed as a result of the sale or purchase of a Ticket to an Event (including the validity of a Ticket to the Event) by some other party than the sales channel/platform designated by Organization.

2.4 A Customer who transfers his Ticket to a third party, without commercial purpose (that is to say an individual transaction in the private sphere) is obliged to impose on the one to whom he gives the Ticket the obligations that rest on him as Customer as they are contained in these general terms and conditions. Customer remains responsible vis-à-vis Organization for the compliance of this person with these general terms and conditions.



3.1 Organization reserves the right to deny access or further access to certain persons to an Event or to clear them from an Event as deemed appropriate by Organization for maintaining public order and security during the Event. The same applies if Customer wears clothing with texts or characters that, in the opinion of Organization, can be considered offensive, discriminatory or may cause aggression or unrest with other visitors of the Event.

3.2 If a Ticket is likely fake, the Organization can refuse or deny the holder of this Ticket access to an Event. Customer or the Ticket holder is not entitled to claim any compensation for damage or loss that this may cause them.



4.1 At an Event Customer is obliged to adhere to the house rules and any amendments to them. Customer is obliged to follow the instructions of Organization, operators of the location of Event, the security personnel, firefighters, police and other authorised parties.

4.2 Organization may display house rules at or near the Event. Customer is always held to abide by these house rules under all circumstances. Any compensation request(s) or fine(s) imposed on Organization as a result of violation of (house) rules or any other form of misconduct by Customer can be recovered from Customer.

4.3 In case of damage to property of the Organization or his suppliers by Customer, Customer is liable for the repair, replacement and/or renovation costs.

4.4 To the extent that Customer does not fully and/or timely abides to any house rules or other rules of conduct, Organization may, depending on the specific circumstances, suspend its obligations, terminate the Agreement without being liable for any compensation.

4.5 Customer who in any way breaches the house rules, other rules of conduct and/or instructions of Organization, operators of the location of Event, security personnel, firefighters, police and other authorised parties may be refused access or removed from Event by the latter parties without prior notice.

4.6 When Customer is in breach of the provisions of these general terms and conditions and/or house rules and/or other rules of conduct, Customer loses any claim to a refund of the price paid by Customer for the Ticket as well as any claim to compensation. In addition, Customer cannot hold Organization liable for any damage as a result of a circumstance alleging a violation of these provisions.



5.1 Organization has the right to body search Customer or have Customer body searched prior to entering the location or during an Event.



6.1 It is forbidden to bring professional equipment for photography, filming, sound and/or other recording equipment, glassware, drugs, cans, fireworks, sticks, chains, nitrous oxide, animals, weapons and/or other dangerous objects (including but not limited to spray cans or tear gas) to the Event.

6.2 It is forbidden to bring to or have in possession at an Event, items which, in the view of security personnel, police, employees of Organization and/or other authorities having jurisdiction, are seen as containing discriminatory or provocative texts, pictures, drawings or graphics etc. Any of such items can be confiscated. Confiscated items will not be returned and may be destroyed.

6.3 Consumption, use, trade, or possession of drugs is strictly prohibited.

6.4 The on-location selling or offering, or having present for that purpose, of merchandise, including (alcoholic) drinks, food, souvenirs, t-shirts (including the associated packaging, (plastic) glasses and the like) is allowed only if and to the extent that consent has been obtained from Organization.

6.5 Organization reserves the right to remove adverts from the location, including advertising associated with or resulting from direct or indirect advertising actions/advertising acts of a sponsor not directly affiliated to Event and/or Organization.

6.6 Waste must be deposited in the appropriate containers.

6.7 At the Event it is forbidden to behave in a way that others may experience as provocative, threatening or offensive. Furthermore, it is forbidden to create any danger to the health or safety of oneself or others or to inflict harm upon others.

6.8 It is forbidden to climb light installations, fences, roofs, catwalks, canals, and other equipment or buildings on the location of Event.

6.9 The distribution or handing out of leaflets, flyers and/or goods at the Event and in its immediate vicinity is prohibited unless written permission has been granted by the Organization.

6.10 It is possible to buy products or services offered by third parties/exhibitors at an Event, such as foods, beverages or merchandise. Organization is under no circumstances liable for damages resulting from the purchase by Customer of a product or service at a third party/exhibitor at the location of Event.



17.1 It is not allowed to smoke during an Event in a covered place (such as, but not limited to tents, umbrella tent, etc.) unless this place is specifically designated as a ‘smoking area’.

7.2 Any fines imposed on Organization as a result of violation of the smoking ban can be recovered from the relevant Customer.



8.1 Recording (part or parts of) an Event in a professional and/or commercial manner, including photographing, filming and recording audio as well as reprinting and/or copying the programme booklet, posters and other printed materials is not permitted without the prior written permission of Organization.



9.1 Customer enters Event at his own risk.

9.2  Use of the unguarded wardrobe is free of charge and at the risk of Customer.

9.3 Customer is explicitly aware that loud music/audio can be played during an Event.

9.4 Organization is not liable and cannot be held liable for any damage or loss caused by entrance or attendance of an Event such as loss or theft of valuables, property damage, damage to hearing or vision or the onset of any other bodily disorders. Organization maintains a maximum permissible noise level of 103 dB (A) for its Events . If Organization is nevertheless held liable, then any liability will be strictly limited to immediate damage/loss and only for the amount Organization is insured for and which the insurer covers. Not eligible for compensation are consequential damages, intangible damages and damages caused by intentional or conscious recklessness by Organization’s auxiliary persons.



10.1 Organization may, in the event of force majeure as described in art. 21 (partially) move or (partially) cancel Event.

10.2 If Event is (partially) moved or (partially) cancelled, Organization will publish this circumstance as soon as possible in the way it considers appropriate. In the case of complete cancellation, Organization is only held to refund the price of admission at the request of Customer. A refund does not include booking or administration fees.

10.3 The refund will only be made within two months after the date of the cancelled Event and only when Customer provides a valid Ticket.